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What :
Professional software engineers often write code using Integrated Development Environments (IDEs). IDEs support most development-related work within the same tool (hence, the term integrated).
An IDE generally consists of:
- A source code editor that includes features such as syntax coloring, auto-completion, easy code navigation, error highlighting, and code-snippet generation.
- A compiler and/or an interpreter (together with other build automation support) that facilitates the compilation/linking/running/deployment of a program.
- A debugger that allows the developer to execute the program one step at a time to observe the run-time behavior in order to locate bugs.
- Other tools that aid various aspects of coding e.g. support for automated testing, drag-and-drop construction of UI components, version management support, simulation of the target runtime platform, and modeling support.
Examples of popular IDEs:
- Java: Eclipse, Intellij IDEA, NetBeans
- C#, C++: Visual Studio
- Swift: XCode
- Python: PyCharm
Some web-based IDEs have appeared in recent times too e.g., Amazon's Cloud9 IDE.
Some experienced developers, in particular those with a UNIX background, prefer lightweight yet powerful text editors with scripting capabilities (e.g. Emacs) over heavier IDEs.
What :
Debugging is the process of discovering defects in the program. Here are some approaches to debugging:
- Bad -- By inserting temporary print statements: This is an ad-hoc approach in which print statements are inserted in the program to print information relevant to debugging, such as variable values. e.g.
Exiting process() method, x is 5.347
. This approach is not recommended due to these reasons:
- Incurs extra effort when inserting and removing the print statements.
- These extraneous program modifications increase the risk of introducing errors into the program.
- These print statements, if not removed promptly after the debugging, may even appear unexpectedly in the production version.
- Bad -- By manually tracing through the code: Otherwise known as ‘eye-balling’, this approach doesn't have the cons of the previous approach, but it too is not recommended (other than as a 'quick try') due to these reasons:
- It is a difficult, time consuming, and error-prone technique.
- If you didn't spot the error while writing the code, you might not spot the error when reading the code either.
- Good -- Using a debugger: A debugger tool allows you to pause the execution, then step through the code one statement at a time while examining the internal state if necessary. Most IDEs come with an inbuilt debugger. This is the recommended approach for debugging.