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    Sorted based on the number of comments given to others' PRs, but also showing comments on own PRs and other comments given.

    [This page was last updated on Nov 15 2020]

    @ZhengShijieNUS @pigoliver @JanuariusJang

    Should we place the entire switch case statement in one TRY block & all catch statement after the TRY block for cleaner and more readable code design?

    Pushed pull request to implement #13

    Closing this issue.

    Fixed the issue in pull request : Added LIST functionality #8

    Hi Jian Cheng,

    I'm fine with integer values too. if everyone is okay let us close this issue and update our user story on fri. 02 oct 2020.

    @ZhengShijieNUS @JanuariusJang @pigoliver


    I believe we can close this issue. This is because we are following the given user format as per our design:

    E.g. add t/cannot submit s/assigned sv/high dl/20Sep2020 o/Jack

    Are you agreeable to this?

    Resolved MERGED CONFLICT in this PR with conflict created in ShiJie commit PR#38 (that has now been merged into Master)

    Completed PPP

    Implemented the Delete function that is specified with the index number.

    JUnit testing for delete function.

    Added logging, assertions and exceptions on Delete Function

    looks great

    done, if start date is later than due date, program will prompt error msg instead of create the project, so the duration also will not be negative.


    Function has been tested.

    Check style issue.

    Failed Gradle Check

    Failed Gradle check

    Failed Gradle checks

    This task is now obsolete.

    Is it failing the test case

    Report generation will include this feature.

    close #82

    close #112

    Add List Round1. thanks

    Please help to close this issue. Thanks

    Please help to close this issue. Thanks

    Please merge and close. thank you!

    @e0260222 Hi Weizhong, Please help to merge this push and close #113 Thanks

    @e0260222 Hi Weizhong, Please help merge it. thanks

    @e0260222 Hi Weizhong, I did a change to the file. Please help merge it. thanks

    @e0260222 I'm Sorry for the inconvenience. here's another one needs to merge. thanks

    @e0260222 Hi Weizhong, I did a change to the image. thanks


    build fail

    Testing successful

    Search functionality has been added.

    Delete function added

    Add functionality added.

    As a project manager, I want to create a project so that I can put in the project information.

    As a project manager, I wish to be able to add a start and end date to my project so that I know the timeframe.

    As a project manager, I want to be able to add employees to the project so that I know who are involved.

    As a project manager, I want to add in the person-in-charge so that I know who is leading the project.

    As a project manager, I want to add the description to the project so that I know what it is about.

    As a project manager, I want to be able to add a status of my project so that I will know the progress of this project.

    This is been done

    It can be still enhanced on the current logic

    It can be enhanced by using date/time format

    This is done

    Not yet implement can add in under creating project class.

    This is done but will still leave it open because when more command line more help will be add

    This is done

    Skeleton is created.

    This feature is done

    Replacement is be done

    This is done

    This is done

    This is done

    This is done

    This is done

    This is done

    This is done

    This is done

    date formate has been check. can improve by using different date formate

    email command has been added.

    alert notification has been added. if duration less than 7 days will auto send a email

    This is done. Test pass

    This is done.





    this is done

    can be edit in next version

    this done


    I have done and u can pull from upstream and update the Duration such as there are no days left when the status is completed.

    I have been updated the v2 user stories in DG and add in Complete diagram in our UML class diagram

    there is a bug in UITest and remember to put the latest version such as include client and email address

    I agree, too.

    Hi hi, the severity was assigned as integer in Defect Class, thus, it need to be an Integer, should we change it to String instead?

    Resolved with ADD command

    Feature added in Defect Class.

    I am agree, waiting for others. Thanks thanks

    Agree, thanks.

    Successfully merged all related PR, this issue is closed.

    Successfully merged all related PR, this issue is closed

    Successfully merged all related PR, this issue is closed