A Software Engineering practicum module focusing on projects starting from scratch, as opposed to projects starting from an existing code basegreenfield team projects...
TIC4001 builds on Introduction to Software EngineeringTIC2002 (and Software Requirements Analysis and DesignTIC3001) to strengthen your practical SE skills. The focus will be on getting some hands on practice in various tools, techniques, and processes used in a systematic SE project.
On the theory side, this module relies mostly on the theory covered in TIC2002, but it will also cover some new topics to help you with the project. As before, this module is supported by a customized online textbook Software Engineering for Self-Directed Learners, integrated into this module website.
The practice side, you will first ramp up your technical skills by doing a small individual project (green-field) in which you will develop a personal assistant chatbot called Duke. This project is similar to the project you did in TIC2002 but will be done faster and at a higher level of rigor.
Then, you will move to a team project (also greenfield) in which you will build another small Command Line InterfaceCLI app while working as a team.
At the end of this module you are expected to be ready for Software Engineering Practicum IITIC4002 in which you'll tackle a starting with an existing code basebrownfield team project somewhat larger than the project you did in this module.